The king has passed a ruling that all his humble subjects are to follow along for this great celebration that will be held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in this Club called Borneo Baruk as Robin Hood is already very poor and cannot afford to hold a grand wedding in Singapore and hence it was decided to hold a much grander wedding celebration in KL.
The day has come where all the king’s subjects packed in a air-con coach and set off to KL. It was a pretty hot day and before you know it, all the king’s subjects were fast asleep except for one called the SPI Intelligence officer – Mr Chrispy crept silently to gather digital photos of those whom have fallen asleep during this journey.
Sorry pixs are a bit lop-sided ya...
The journey was a 6hrs trip and all the king’s subjects were complaining of hunger and hence the king’s subjects decided to take their lunch over at Yong Peng, the Ramli Burger at Yong Peng captivated everybody and soon everyone (well, not everyone)was queuing to buy its burger.
It was raining in KL where the wedding celebrations were being held but nevertheless, all the king’s subjects were present. Robin Hood’s brother, Ming and gang decided to employ four beautiful special ladies to entertain the crowd. They employed sailor moon, policewoman, maid and lastly my favorite of all times – Ms Nurse.
Soon, everyone was whisked into the hall of Borneo Baruk’s hall and the wedding celebrations began. There were food, drinks and plenty of prizes and games to go around. While everyone was enjoying and merry making, the Cape Crusader – Ms Dweam came flying into the club and this made the king’s royal subject shrieking and shouting “Who do you think you are, flying into the club without pior permission, guards seize her”.
But before anyone could react, she flew off again. Thinking to herself, “That was a close one, maybe next time, I should get my mum to give me a hand”.
Oh, for the records, all the invited guests all came by the king’s order to be dressed in their PJs. Although, quite reluctantly, everyone obeyed. (Actually, everyone came camwhoring in their PJs so much)
PPL even came with their cutie sleeping slippers as well...
Robin Hood’s buddies or thieves decided that they have too much plunders and decided to reward everyone with Nuffnang’s money with a bidding competition in the end. Everyone tried their best to win those Nuffang monies but only those lucky ones were able to bid for those Lumix digital cameras.
The Green Crusader decided to give one more try to upset the wedding celebrations coz she was very envious of the whole Nuffnang’s money bidding competition that everyone was enjoying.
Green Crusader : “Ah ha, little blue Robin Hood, you had better surrender yourself and come with me or else…your princess will be in deep shit”
Robin Hood : “You think you are who? Before I call for the guards, you have better release my sweet heart.”
Green Crusader : “So its true, you treasure your band of thieves more than your sugar honey sweet heart?” “I shall lock them up and you shall bid farewell to your lovely band of young thieves”.
Robin Hood : “Nooooooooooooooo, please don’t, I’ll do whatever you asked, but on one condition, spare them!”
Green Crusader : “Alright, first, put on those undies, you and your Ming, NOW…I don’t have much time.”
Robin Hood : “Arrrrhhhhhh, you win, Ms Green Crusaderrrrrrrrr”. “I shall never forget this humiliating spot you’ve put me in”.
Green Crusader : “Oh, we shall see then and thanks for the gifts – snatched the Ipod and flew off, together with her mum’s help.”
In order to pacify the angry crowd that was present this evening, Robin Hood decided to have the Malaysian Dreamgirls to come on stage and play games with them lead by the all famous – Mr Kennysia, judge for Malaysian Dreamgirls. The angry crowd immediately welcomed the girls on stage and even participated in the whole process.
And finally the grand finale. The wedding cake was brought up and to everyone’s astonishment, instead of the wedding couple, it turned out to be Robin Hood and his other half – Ming.
“Thinking to himself (Robin Hood), this must be the doing of Green Crusader, but how could she have known, Ming is actually my BF (closet),hmmmmmmmm”
PS - I want to wish Nuffnang much greater success with the skies the limit in its future undertakings
-----------------------------------The End------------------------------------------

haha, that's a unique way of writing about the party =D
thanks mr chrispy...i thought so myself too...
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